Marketing Case Study: Citi Great Spend Shift marketing campaign
Using imagination through adversity.

During the heart of COVID when people were in lockdown and services like dining out and travel came to a screeching halt, companies had to pivot. For Citi, one challenge was to creatively communicate to corporate clients a shift in spend strategy.
Creative Strategy
Communicating a shift—or change— in process is never easy. Messaging was developed that communicated the change in a fun manner, case studies were developed that showed the possibilities, infographics were created that depicted how the shift works, and — the piece de resistance — was the creation of a game: The Great Spend Shift.

The concept behind the game was simple: Make it fun but also challenging users to beat their best high score to win small, fun prizes.

This unique approach, mixing traditional marketing tactics with interactive engagement, shows how even the most complex challenges can be overcome with the right creative strategy.

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